1918.12.07.De Worms et Cie Newcastle

Worms & Co

Newcastle on Tyne, December 7th 1918
Messrs Worms & Co., Paris

Dear Sirs,
Italy. Some time before the war a Mr. Marco Segre, 15 Via S. Quintino Turin, corresponded with us as regards agency in Italy. During the war we had a letter from him, and a few days ago we again heard from him. He had referred us to Messrs Crawford Duff & Co. Glasgow, for whom he acted as agent. In reply to our enquiry these gentlemen have sent us a letter of which we enclose a copy.
We have no regular agent in Italy, and the business we did with our Savona friends we did direct. We should like to have your advice as to the desirability of appointing Mr. Marco Segre as our agent.
We are, Dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

W. Torry

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