1918.11.14.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 14th November 1918
Messrs Worms & Co. - Paris

Dear Sirs,
With reference to your letter of the 5th inst., we have now been able to see the Secretary of the Coal Exports committee who quite realised the position in which your Grimsby House find themselves in connection with the tonnage allocated between the different firms who load from the Humber to France. After talking matters over he asked us to call at the Coal Controller's office to see Mr. Charlton which we did this morning when we were able to put the position before him.
He said in reply that unfortunately the position at Grimsby and the Humber generally was that the midland coal which was shipped from there was short, the bulk of it being required for household purposes, and there was no chance whatever meantime at all events of getting the quantity for export increased but that there was more free coal in the Tyne district and therefore increased shipments from there should be made in order to make up for the Humber deficiency. We pressed him a little to see whether this could not be altered somewhat in your favor but regret to say without any success.
We then directed Mr. Charlton's attention to the paragraph which you have received from Messrs L. G. Jeffreys & Co. and he said it was quite true that the allocations in Swansea were at the disposal of the Mission française in London; it was not possible for his department, who control the coal only, to do more than say what quantity is to be shipped to France and the allocation of it to the different shipping firms is not in their hands.
We are hopeful that the effect of the Armistice which has since Monday last become apparent to everyone here may rapidly alter these conditions and admit of larger shipments being made by those who can obtain the necessary tonnage.
We are sorry to have been unsuccessful in both these matters.
We are, dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

James Burness &Sons

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