1918.02.09.De Worms et Cie Newcastle

Worms & Co.
Newcastle on Tyne

February 9th 1918
Messrs Worms & Co. - Paris

Dear Sirs,
We reply to your special letter of the 6th inst:
Rouen. We are very much interested in all you write. You will remember that when Mr. Burletson first discussed this matter with us he did not want any profit at all. We note the arrangement at which you have now arrived. Under the new conditions as regards brokerage neither of us will get anything at all as it must all be returned to the collieries.
As regards future licences we are not at all sanguine. We foresee grave difficulties but will talk this over with Mr. Worms on the occasion of his next visit to London. Mr. Torry holds himself entirely at Mr. Worms' disposal, and will be pleased to meet him in London at any time.
Coal controller. For your private guidance we enclose copy of letter dealing with the brokerage question.
We are, Dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

W. Torry

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