1915.03.13.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
London and 3, Bute Crescent, Cardiff
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 13th March, 1915
MM. Worms & Co - Paris

Dear Sirs,
Port Said H/U. You referred on the telephone this morning to our private advices of the 11th inst. with regard to the question which has arisen with MM. Moxey, Savon & C° in regard to the adjustment of Messr. Hull, Blyth & C°'s shortages and suggested that perhaps the difficulty might be got over if you and MM. Lambert Brothers, Ltd. could arrange between you to draw the quantities which might be in question from MM. Hull, Blyth & C° but that in such case MM. Moxey, Savon & C° must certainly pay something. We have mentioned this to M. Newton Dunn and he has made a note of it in case MM. Moxey, Savon & C° and MM. Hull, Blyth & C° should arrive at an 'impasse' in the matter and meanwhile he told us that MM. Moxey, Savon & C° are willing to pay a monetary consideration of 2/- per ton.
We are, Dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

James Burness & Sons

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