1947.12.08.De Sullivan and Cromwell.New York.A R.H. Hillenkoetter - CIA.Washington


Sullivan & Cromwell - 48, Wall Street - New York

December 8, 1947

Rear Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter, Director,
Central Intelligence Agency,
2430 E Street, NW.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Admiral Hillenkoetter:
We understand that M. Raymond Meynial, when he was in the United States last summer discussed briefly with you certain charges which had been made respecting the wartime activities of the firm of Worms & Co.
Subsequently Worms & Cie. caused to be prepared a memorandum dealing in particular with certain allegations in the book, "Our Vichy Gamble" (Alfred A. Knopf), by Professor William L. Langer. Professor Langer has subsequently written a letter withdrawing the charges, which you will find on page 14 of the memorandum.
At the request of M. H. Worms and M. Meynial, we are sending you two copies of the memorandum with the request that they be filed in the office of the Central Intelligence Agency.
We understand that M. H. Worms and M. Meynial are requesting this action both in view of the reference to you in Professor Langer's book and the fact that certain of the reports of the Office of Strategic Services which Professor Langer used in the preparation of his book may have been turned over to your office.
Faithfully yours,

Sullivan & Cromwell

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