1915.08.10.De Worms et Cie Grimsby

Worms & C°
Also at Cardiff, Newcastle, Hull & Goole
General Conditions for all Quotations, Contracts and Sales:
In case of strikes, lock-outs, restriction of workmen, or other unavoidable stoppages of collieries deliveries not to be binding upon us.

Grimsby, August 8th 1915
MM. Worms & Co
45, boulevard Haussmann - Paris

Dear Sirs,
We beg to confirm our lines of the 6th inst., and are to-day in receipt of your valued respects of the 7th inst., contents of which are carefully noted.
We are much obliged for your kind intention to furnish us with all requisite information respecting the ultimate destination of Coals shipped to Dieppe and we sincerely hope the details you have already given us will enable us to satisfy the British Authorities that no needless obstacle should be placed in way of our Shipment to that Port.
We full agree with your opinion that an open License should be granted us far a monthly quantity by our steamers and we have already made such a request to the War Trade Department, but we are sorry to say it is generally thought this will not be granted at present and we are compelled to make a separate application for each Steamer, in fact if different qualities are shipped, we are obliged to make an Application for each description.
The matter is somewhat complicated, but we are following up every detail and hope the War Trade will deal with our Applications with better despatch than what they have done with those for Neutral Countries, as any restriction of Expert to an Allied Country is bound to have an ill effect on the Nation whose fortunes are so closely bound up with ours in the War, therefore we consider all possible leniency should be extended to each of our Allies without stint.
We may mention that we do not apprehend any difficulty as far as the quantity of room to be named for each Steamer is concerned, as we can always apply for a maximum tonnage which we can reduce in shipments according to requirement.
We are afraid the main difficulty will be in obtaining a prompt reply from the War Trade Department to our Applications for Licenses, but we are making same well in advance of our intended shipments and if we find the Government Authorities do not deal with same promptly we shall repeat our requests and continue to badger them for all we are worth until we obtain a definite decision, which we sincerely hope may be favourable in all cases.
With regard to Chartered Steamers, we apply for Licenses for each Shipment immediately a Boat is fixed and you may rest assured that nothing shall be lacking on our part to obtain the necessary permission for Export in every instance.
Yours truly,

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