1915.05.07.De Me Théret.A Mitchell Main Colliery Cy.Barnsley.Paris

Copie de lettre


7 May 1915
The Managing Director
Mitchell Main Colliery Co. Ltd

Dear Sir,
I beg to hand you herewith:
1° the three transfers, signed by the interested parties, which you had sent me for completion,
2° the certificate for the 75 shares in your Company in the name of Mme Lucien Worms, and which are to be transferred to Mr Hypolite Worms, Madame Suzanne Renée Marguerite Leroy, and Madame Marie Virginie Lucienne Razsovich, each for 25 shares, in conformity with the document which I have sent you,
3° last, a cheque on the Crédit lyonnais for £ 37-17-6 in payment of the transfer in accordance with the request contained in your letter of the 27th April last.
Will you kind acknowledge receipt of these documents.
I shall feel obliged if you will proceed with the transfer of those shares without delay, and send me certificates as soon as ready.
I am, dear Sir,

Me Théret

[Ce courrier est accompagné du mot suivant, rédigé par Me Théret :]

Cher Monsieur,
Veuillez trouver ci-inclus la lettre, les diverses pièces et chèque que j'adresse à M. le Directeur de la Mitchell Main. Comme la lettre est arrivée en français, soyez assez aimable pour en faire la traduction en anglais et envoyer cette traduction en même temps que l'original. Avec mes remerciements...]

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