1911.08.18.De James Burness and Sons.Londres.Original
Document original
James Burness & Sons
Telegraphic address: "Burness-London"
138, Leadenhall Street
London, 18th August, 1911
Dear Sirs,
Coaling at Port Said
In consequence of the strike which took place at Cardiff during the latter part of July (and its after effects) and of the increasingly heavy demands which are now being made upon their resources at Port Said and elsewhere, our friends Messrs. Worms & Co. have been, and are, experiencing great difficulty in replenishing and maintaining stocks of coal at their depots.
That difficulty has greatly increased during the past week or so and this morning all work has been stopped at Cardiff. Under the circumstances and until such time as their present stocks should become exhausted (when they would be reluctantly compelled to claim exemption under the strike clause in their contracts) Messrs. Worms & Co. desire us to intimate to their clients that in order that they may remain as long as possible in a position to meet the ordinary requirements of those clients they find themselves obliged to limit to the greatest possible extent their deliveries to each individual steamer, and in the interests of all concerned they hope their friends will assist them by minimising their demands upon them to the utmost extent possible.
We are, Dear Sirs,
Yours truly,
James Burness & Sons