1947.09.18.De William L. Langer.Cambridge.Original


Harvard University
Department of History Cambridge, Mass.
1306, Massachusetts Avenue, S. 209

September 18,1947
Worms & Cie.
45, boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France

Dear Sirs:
When M. Meynial was here in the United States in July last, I had the opportunity of discussing with him certain references in my book "Our Vichy Gamble" regarding the war-time activities of your firm. Since then I have had an opportunity to examine the detailed memorandum prepared by your firm, together with the findings and decisions of the three French courts which made an examination into all phases of these activities.
As a professor of history my only interest is in getting at the truth of matters about which I may be writing. I frankly recognize that under the stress of war conditions reports which appeared reliable and trustworthy at the time have, in the light of fuller and calmer evidence, proved to be unfounded. I further recognize that the decisions of the competent French courts in the matter of the war-time activities of Worms & Cie. represent the best and to me the acceptable evidence as to the facts.
Since both the information you have submitted and the findings of the French courts are inconsistent with the statements in my book "Our Vichy Gamble" with respect to the firm of Worms & Cie., I am glad to advise you that all references to the firm will be eliminated from any editions of my book which may hereafter appear in France, England or elsewhere or in any future American edition.
I wish also to add my expression of regret that the evidence now submitted to me was not available at the time I wrote "Our Vichy Gamble".
Very truly your,

William L. Langer


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