1947.09.18.De William L. Langer.Cambridge.A Allen Dulles - Sullivan and Cromwell.New York


Harvard University
Department of History Cambridge, Mass.
1306, Massachusetts Avenue, S. 209

September 18,1947

Mr. Allen Dulles Sullivan & Cromwell 48 Wall Street New York 5, New York

Dear Allen:
I am sending you herewith the letter to Worms & Cie., which, as you know, I am glad to write under the circumstances. I do think, however, that it would be fair for the bank to reply to this letter saying in effect that they understand the circumstances and appreciate my readiness to make the necessary changes in future editions of my book. I think it would also be well if they would express themselves as satisfied so that we can at long last close this whole business out.
With regard to the printed statement by the bank I have no comments excepting for the first paragraph on page 8. Incidentally my name is given throughout as William H. Langer instead of William L. Langer. The main thing, however, is that I think this whole passage of the statement leaves an erroneous impression of my book. I would therefore, suggest that it be revised to read something as follows:
In the spring of 1947 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. of New York published a book by William L. Langer entitled "Our Vichy Gamble". The author, who is professor of history at Harvard University, served during the war as chief of the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services. Basing his book upon State Department documents and other official papers, he wrote a detailed and dispassionate account of the United States policy toward France from 1940 to 1942, including the background of the North African invasion. However, certain statements concerning Worms et Cie. made by Professor Langer involve serious reflections on the activities of the firm. In view of the importance of the book and the wide publicity it has received, it is all the more necessary that these statements be listed and refuted.
Perhaps you will be good enough to take this matter up with the bank and I would expect that they would see no objection to it.

William L. Langer

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