1918.01.04.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 4th January 1918
Messrs Worms & Co. - Paris

Dear Sirs,
Management of steamers. We note the advices contained in your letter of the 2nd inst. and have today had the pleasure of an interview with Mr. Revillon who was at his new offices at the Haut Commissariat du Ravitaillement.
Mr. Revillon gave us a resume of the duties which would have to he undertaken by us here and by your branches, which are quite in accord with your instructions except that Mr. Revillon explains that it will only refer to boats time chartered by Messrs. Furness, Withy & Co. for the first time and allocated to France. The boats already timechartered and running for the French Government account will not be dealt with by you but by them, the position being that as there would be only formal "re-delivery & delivery" of the steamers in such cases any adjustment of hire which may be necessary will be made by the firm at present managing the boat. Mr. Revillon told us that the insurance could be done here under the Government scheme and he hoped from tomorrow it would also be possible to effect the insurance on the excess value here as well, which would obviate the delay in communicating with the owners in Norway. He emphasised the fact that the Hudson's Bay Co. were very wishful to get rid of these steamers in view of their other important work for the French Government and in a long interview he had yesterday with Mr. Sale that gentleman had confirmed this. Although we understand that all our communications will be with Mr. Pilliard and Messrs. Furness, Withy & Co. we propose presently to make a formal call on Mr. Sale.
We told Mr. Revillon that you would be quite prepared to take over the business as from the 1st prox., when he seemed rather disappointed and said he had hoped you would be able to commence operations at once as they might at any moment have a steamer given them by Messrs. Furness, Withy & Co. We then mentioned we thought perhaps you might be willing to agree to the 15th January but sufficient time would be required for you to communicate with all your branches & agents in order to give them your instructions.
We have not seen Mr. Pilliard but it is our intention to call to see that gentleman shortly.
We are, dear Sirs, Yours truly.

James Burness & Sons

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