1898.03.30.Entre Shell et Worms et Cie.Accord


30 mars 1898

Extraits de l'accord entre Shell Transport & Trading Cy Ltd
et Worms & Cie Paris, Port-Saïd et Suez.

Cet agrément porte les signatures de Samuel Samuel et Benjamin (direction), de Reid (Secretary) et le sceau de la Shell, mais pas de signature Worms.
1. The Shell Cy agrees to employ and Worms & Co's branch houses at Port Said and Suez agree to act on behalf of the Shell Cy as exclusive agents of the Shell Cy for all purposes connected with the Petroleum business of the said Company at Port Said and Suez. During the continuance of this agreement no petroleum shall be consigned by the Company to Port Said or Suez or be sold by the Company at Port Said or Suez or shall any business whatever relating to petroleum be carried by the Company at Port Said or Suez, except to and through the agency of Worms & Co.
2. The said agency shall take effect as from the first day of January 1898 and shall continue for the term of ten years.
4. Worms & Co shall at their own expenses provide all such head office accommodation as the petroleum business of the Company... shall from time to time require.
5. Remuneration.
6. In return for their general assistance and agencies at Port Said and Suez in connection with the construction of the proposed petroleum depot the Worms & Co are to receive a commission of two and half per cent upon all amounts expended by them except...
7. Worms & Co shall also... undertake and perform the like duties and services in relation to the Company's ships at Said and Suez under the arrangements for now subsisting between them and M. Samuel & Co, they have hitherto undertaken and perform... and shall in consideration for such services be entitled to the like commissions from the Company as they have hitherto received from M. Samuel & Co...
14. Of the shares in the original Capital of the Company issued or to be issued to Worms & Co or to any partner therein at least one fourth shall not during the period of six years from 1st January 1898 be transferred to any person... without the written consent of the Directors of the Shell Cy.
15. (Interdiction pour Worms et Cie de s'intéresser directement ou indirectement dans des affaires de pétrole à Port Saïd ou Suez, or « at any port or place Eastward of Suez or Westward of America which might in any manner compete » ou préjudicie aux affaires de la Shell.)

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