1898.03.04.De Worms et Cie Cardiff.A The Albion Steam Coal C° Ld

Document original


4th March 1898
Messrs. The Albion Coaly C° Ld

Dear Sirs,
We regret to be obliged to call your attention to the very serious position of our contract with your goodselves.
Up to the end of February you had only delivered 1.100 tons instead of something like 12.000 due to us and after making allowance for the 3.300 tons at present on your stem. There is owing to us today the large quantity of over 8.000 tons of coal.
In view of the fact that we have been obliged in consequence of your inability to perform your contract, to buy very large quantities of coal at prices ranging from 11/3 to 11/6 and that we are at the present moment paying 11/6 for several thousands of tons, we beg to intimate that until arrears due to us are made good, we shall claim from you the difference between your contract price and the prices we have been obliged and are still obliged to pay on the market.
In addition to the "Paris" s/s stemmed to load with you about 16/18th inst., we enclose stem note for "Kingsale" s/s 3.500 tons ready probably next week to load in 130 tons. Please return the note duly signed.
We are dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

P.Pro Worms & C°
P. A. Vyvyan Robinson

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