1917.03.12.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
London and 3, Bute Crescent - Cardiff
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 12th March 1917
Messrs Worms & Co - Paris

Dear Sirs,
Business Names Act. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 8th inst., together with the form of registration and the Statutary declaration duly completed which we are forwarding to the Registrar.
By telephone this afternoon we informed you that we thought it would be necessary to put all the initials of the various Partners and in accordance with your instructions we are requesting your Houses at Cardiff, Newcastle & Grimsby to have the following names printed on their letter paper and other business documents if required:
Partners: Hypolite Worms, Michel J. Goudchaux, Georges E. Majoux
Commanditaires: Me. E. L. Delavigne, Me. V. A. Worms, Me. M. Labbé, Me. S. M. R. Leroy, Me. M. A. V. L. Razsovich, Me. M. L. Errington Josse.
With regard to Madame Errington Josse you told us you would let us know in the morning whether you wish her name to be given as above or as Me. M. L. E. Josse.
We are, dear Sirs, Yours truly,

James Burness & Sons

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