1915.08.24.(De Fernand Violette).Paris.A Mitchell Main Colliery Co.Barnsley

Projet de note

24 août 1915

Dear Sir,

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of [...] the contents of which have had my best attention and inasmuch as I see that the letter which has been addressed to Mr. Théret on the 26th September 1914 was signed by Mr. J. E. Mitchell as Director and Secretary I gather that the Directors and general Meetings, which you refer to and and at which Mr. J. E. Mitchell has been called to take the place of the late Mr. Lucien Worms on the board, of the Mitchell Main Colliery Co. Ltd took place between the end of July and the 26th of September 1914 although I do not seem to have received any advice as to what was to be discussed at the said general Meeting.
In the circumstances, it is now quite clear to me that at the time of Mr. Lucien Worms' death and when the Directors and general Meeting took place, at which it was decided to call Mr. J. E. Mitchell a director of the Company, Mr. Hypolite Worms was not qualified, as he believe that it is only on the 23rd September 1914 that Me Théret wrote sending you an extract of Mr. Lucien Worms' will with regard to the five shares belonging to him and I may say that when I mentioned the name of Mr. Hypolite Worms I did so on my own accord without having discussed the matter with the said gentleman but I thought that the French interests in the Mitchell Main Colliery Co. including those of Mr. Josse which I am [trusting for] ought to have been represented on the board of Directors, as I believe they have been ever since the beginning of the Company, and inasmuch as this has now ceased I shall feel obliged if you will kindly in future advise me beforehand of all matters which will be discussed at the general Meetings and of all resolutions which shareholders will be asked to confirm at the said general Meetings.

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