1942.05.01.De Georgio Uzielli.New York.A Georges F. Doriot.Boston

Copie de lettre

Tucker, Anthony & Co.
New York
120 Broadway New York

May 1, 1942

Prof. Georges F. Doriot,
12 Lime Street, Cambridge, Mass.
Dear Professor Doriot:
I have been trying to get in touch with you for over one year and cannot understand why you haven't answered my letters. My last letter to you was written on March 16, 1942, a copy of which was sent to your office at 110 East 42nd St., New York.
I would very much like to speak to you about funds from France invested here and believe that you are the only person who knows something about the matter.
I sincerely hope you can manage to give me five minutes of your time on your next trip to New York so that we can discuss the matter.
Yours very sincerely,

Georgio Uzielli

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