1915.12.15.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 15th December, 1915
MM. Worms & Co - Paris

Dear Sirs,
Port Said H/U. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your special letter of the 13th inst., which reached us about two o'clock this afternoon, confirming the conversations we have already exchanged with you yesterday, the day before, & this morning, with reference to the matters which would probably come up for discussion at the Meeting this morning, and all your views and instructions have been carefully studied by us. Our Senior had just returned when you were speaking to us on the telephone at 2.30 and we were able to give you a short summary of the result of the proceedings, and to ask you in view of the failure to come to an understanding with our neighbours with reference to an arrangement with the English Coaling C° if you had anything further to suggest, but after having given the matter your careful consideration you informed us that nothing further had we thought occurred to you unless we thougt some time for reflection would bring Sir Clifford Cory round to a more reasonable frame of mind; he is however perfectly obdurate and we were sorry to have to tell you we are afraid it is quite hopeless; in fact M. Newton Dunn promised to give the Secretary of the English Coaling C° a reply this afternoon after this Meeting and he will reluctantly be compelled to tell him he cannot bring his associates into line in the matter. We enclose copy of our Senior's notes of what took place at the Meeting which are to comprehensive that it is not necessary for us to amplify them as they will speak for themselves.
The suggested arrangement with MM. Hull, Blyth & C° was not referred to as the question did not arise.
We are truly regretful at the failure of the negotiations as we feel sure that it will be a great disappointment to you & to your Senior after you had set your hearts so much upon the advisability of coming to terms with Lord Inchcape's concern.
With regard to Marseilles you told us this morning that you would like the advanced prices to come into operation as soon as possible; then a little later on a further increase could be upon decided upon to take effect from the beginning of January, which you hoped would be in time to enable you to get such advanced price from the P. & O. C° for their January requirements. We have just telegraphed you upon the subject, as fellowes:
"Marseilles. Cory Brothers suggest 8l/- less l/- until altered to come into operation as soon as local firms may decide" which we now beg to confirm.
We are, Dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

James Burness & Sons

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